'Slight' Gui Modifications [FABRIC/QUILT] Disable Custom Worlds Advice [Fabric] Extended Armor Bars Forked [Let's Do] API [Let's Do] Bakery [Let's Do] Beachparty [Let's Do] Vinery Accelerated Decay Ad Astra Ad Astra: Giselle Addon Adaptive Tooltips Additional Lanterns Advanced Netherite (Fabric) Advancement Plaques [Fabric] Advancements Debug AdventureZ Almost Unified AmbientSounds 5 Animal Feeding Trough [Fabric | Forge | Quilt | NeoForge] Another Furniture AntiGhost AppleSkin Applied Botanics Addon Applied Energistics 2 Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals Archeology Mod Architect's Palette [FABRIC] Architectury API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Armor & damage scaling[Forge/Fabric] ARRP Artifacts (Fabric) Async Locator AttributeFix Auth Me Auto Workstations (Fabric) AutoTag Axolotl Bucket Fix bad packets Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded Balm (Fabric Edition) Bamboo Combat Bamboo Everything Banilla Claws Beacon Overhaul Bed Benefits Befixment Besmirchment 2 Better Lily Pads Better Mount HUD Better Ping Display [Fabric] Better Statistics Screen Bewitchment Bewitchment Plus Biome Makeover BisectHosting Server Integration Menu [FABRIC] BLAST 💣 Blockus Bone Zone Bookshelf Bosses of Mass Destruction Botania (Fabric/Quilt) Botarium Bow Infinity Fix (Forge/Fabric) Brazier Brewin' And Chewin' [Fabric] Building Wands Builtin Servers Bushier Flowers Calibrated Access Campanion cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk? Cardinal Components API Catwalks Inc. CC: Restitched CC:C Bridge Chalk (Fabric) Charm of Undying (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) Chassis Chat Heads Chat Toggle Chef's Delight [Fabric] Cherished Worlds (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge/Quilt) Chimes Chipped ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village Chunky (Fabric) Clean Tooltips CleanCut Client Tweaks (Fabric Edition) Cloth API (Fabric) Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge/NeoForge) Clumps Colorful Azaleas Colorful Subtitles Compressed Mod Connectible Chains [Fabric] Connectivity[Forge/Fabric] Continuity Controlling Cooking for Blockheads (Fabric Edition) CorgiLib Couplings Coxinha Utilities Crafting Tweaks (Fabric Edition) CraterLib Crawl (Fabric) Create Crafts & Additions Create Deco Fabric Create Fabric Create Goggles (Create Plus) Create Jetpack Create Slice & Dice Create: Steam 'n' Rails CreateFabric&REIBugFix CreativeCore Creeper Overhaul Croptopia Croptopia's Chocolaterie [Fabric] Croptosis CTM Refabricated Cucumber Library: Refabricated Cupboard Customizable Player Models (Fabric) Dank Storage Fabric Dark Mode Everywhere (Fabric) Dark Utilities Decorative Blocks (Fork) Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated Deeper and Darker DeepslateCutting Default Options (Fabric Edition) Delightful Creators [Fabric] (Create and Farmer's Delight Addon) Doodads [Fabric] Dracomelette DragonLoot Drink Beer Unofficial: Clockwerk Edition Duckling Dusk[Forge/Fabric] Dyed Dynamic FPS Dynamic View[Fabric] Ecologics Effect Tooltips Eldritch Mobs Elytra Slot (Fabric 1.16.1 - 1.19.2) Enchantment Descriptions Entangled Equipment Compare [Fabric] Extra Alchemy Extra Sponges Fabric API Fabric Language Kotlin Fabric Waystones Farmer's Delight [Fabric] Farmer's Respite (Fabric) Farming for Blockheads (Fabric Edition) FerriteCore (Fabric) Fertilization (Fabric Edition) FindMe Forge Config API Port Friendly Fire FTB Chunks (Fabric) FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) FTB Library (Fabric) FTB Quests (Fabric) FTB Teams (Fabric) FTB Ultimine (Fabric) FuelInfo Full Turtle Armor FullStack Watchdog Furry Origins Fusion (Connected Textures) Gadgets Against Grind GeckoLib Glassential (Fabric/Quilt) Go Fish Guard Villagers (Fabric/Quilt) Handcrafted Harvest Scythes Health Overlay (Fabric) Hex Casting Hexal Highlight Iceberg [Fabric] Icy Incitement Immersive Armors [Fabric/Forge] Impaled 🔱 Indium Industrial Revolution Ingredient Extension API Inmis Inventory Essentials (Fabric Edition) Inventory Sorting Iris Shaders Iron Chests: Restocked Item Collectors Item Filters Item Model Fix (Fabric) JamLib Jump Over Fences Just Another Void Dimension Kibe Utilities Krypton KubeJS KubeJS Create LazyDFU Legendary Tooltips [Fabric] Level Text Fix LibZ Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric) Log Begone Login Protection[Forge/Fabric] Loot Integrations[Forge/Fabric] Lootr (Fabric) Luggage Macaw's Bridges Macaw's Doors Macaw's Fences and Walls Macaw's Lights and Lamps Macaw's Paintings Macaw's Paths and Pavings Macaw's Roofs Macaw's Trapdoors Macaw's Windows Marium's Soulslike Weaponry Max Health Fix MCMTFabric ME Requester MEGA Cells Megane: Fabric MidnightLib Mine Cells - Dead Cells Mod Minerally Mining Gadgets Fabric MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) Mob Scarecrows Mod Menu Modern Dynamics Modern Industrialization ModernFix Moonlight Lib More Geodes More Mob Variants More Totems Of Undying More Villagers [Fabric] MoreAchievements [Fabric] Mouse Tweaks Music Player Mystical Agriculture: Refabricated Naturalist Nature's Compass Nears [Fabric] Nether Depths Upgrade Nether's Delight (Fabric) NetherPortalFix (Fabric Edition) Nikolite Expansion No Chat Reports Nyf's Quivers Observable Oh The Biomes You'll Go Refabricated Origins (Fabric) Origins++ oωo (owo-lib) Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames Patchouli (Fabric/Quilt) PAUCAL Paxi (Fabric) Pehkui Peripheralium Piercing Paxels ⚒️ Pig Pen Cipher Playdate playerAnimator Pling Portable Tables Powah! (Rearchitected) Prism [Fabric] Probably Chests Projectile Damage Attribute [Fabric & Forge] Pyrotastic 🎆 Quick Shulker Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric) Reacharound Reaper Rebind Narrator Reborn Core Rechiseled Rechiseled: Create RecipeCooldown Red Bits Reese's Sodium Options Repurposed Structures (Quilt/Fabric) Resourceful Config Resourceful Lib Resourceful Lootbags Respawnable Pets Respite Creators [Fabric] (Create and Farmer's Respite Addon) Revelationary Rhino RightClickHarvest River Redux Roots Classic (Fabric) Rotten Creatures Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI) Roughly Enough Loot Tables Roughly Enough Professions (REP) Roughly Enough Resources Roughly Enough Trades Runelic Runes [Fabric] Savage Ender Dragon[Forge/Fabric] Sawmill Show Me What You Got Shulker Box Tooltip [Fabric/Forge] Sierra's Flowers Simple Discord Link Bot [Forge/Fabric] Simple Discord Rich Presence (Forge / Fabric) Simple Voice Chat Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] SlimyBoyos So I heard you were talking crap about Minecraft's difficulty? Sodium Extra spark Spectrum Spectrum Jetpacks Spell Engine Spell Power Attributes [Fabric] Spice of Fabric (Fabric) Spirit Starlight (Fabric) Status Effect Bars Stoneholm, Underground Villages (Fabric) Storage Labels Strange Berries Stronger Snowballs Subterrestrial SuperMartijn642's Config Lib SuperMartijn642's Core Lib Supplementaries Survival island TabTPS Tech Reborn Tempad TerraBlender (Fabric) Tesseract The Bumblezone (Quilt/Fabric) The Graveyard (FABRIC) The Splash Milk The Twilight Forest TieredZ Tiny Coal Tips Tool Stats Towers of the Wild: Additional Additions Trample No More Traveler's Backpack [Fabric] Trinkets (Fabric) Trofers Trowel U Team Core UnlimitedPeripheralWorks Vanilla Hammers Villager Hats Mod Villager Trading Station VillagersPlus (FABRIC) Visuality Vitalize Vivecraft Void Totem (Fabric) VoidZ What The Bucket When Dungeons Arise - Fabric! Wireless Chargers Wizards (RPG Series) WMITAF Wolves With Armor WTHIT XL Packets Fabric XP Obelisk YetAnotherConfigLib You're in Grave Danger You've Goat to be Kidding Me! YUNG's API (Fabric) YUNG's Better Desert Temples (Fabric) YUNG's Better Dungeons (Fabric) YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric) YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments (Fabric) YUNG's Better Strongholds (Fabric) YUNG's Better Witch Huts (Fabric) YUNG's Bridges (Fabric) YUNG's Extras (Fabric)